Our business is about stewardship.
Return your used Hummingbird glass and plastic containers.
We’ll clean them up, and use them again.
And you get a deposit back!
pounds plastic containers re-used
pounds of glass containers re-used
re-use rate

The 7 rules of returns
• We accept only Hummingbird containers*.
• Containers must be clean on the outside.
• Containers must be in original condition—no writing or punctures.
• No mold-contaminated containers.
• Plastic containers must have their original lids.
• For glass containers, returning lids is optional.
• If returning glass with our truck drivers, please pack them in cardboard boxes to ensure they do not get broken in transit.
* Please do not store other products in Hummingbird containers or add any ingredients to the product in the container. This does not comply with our Food Safety requirements and other certifications. Adding any external substance makes the container unusable.
What you can return & deposit amount
Lids must be included when plastic containers are returned.
1-gal jug
1/2-gal jug
1/2-gal jar
1-qt jar
1-lb jar
Queenline jar
5-gal cube
2-1/2-gal jug
5-gal pail
4-gal bucket
2-gal pail
The container return program is one part of our effort to save energy, reduce landfill waste and be good stewards in general.