What makes our hearts sing?

What makes our hearts sing?

We are feeling grateful and inspired. We asked our coworkers what they appreciate most about working at Hummingbird.


What inspires me most about working at Hummingbird is how passionate our people are about providing excellent service to our customers and each other. We really go above and beyond to ensure we are offering excellent quality, organic and sustainable food for the health of people and planet, with great care.


I absolutely love working with people that not only share their time and energy working for a mission that inspires me everyday, but that are also so caring, thoughtful and driven to make the most of their time.


Feeling like my efforts at Hummingbird are contributing to a larger purpose and collaborative goal of healing our planet and our people with high quality food made with great farming practices.




Supporting farmers who produce nourishing food that is healthy for both people and planet is important to me. I am grateful to play my part in a company that serves this purpose.


I am inspired by our mission and by all of our amazing coworkers - the passion they bring both to work and to their communities outside of work. The birds are making this world a better place wherever they choose to engage!


The people!! My wonderful partners make my heart sing and encourage me to do better every day. First, my coworkers whom I lean on for support, and look to for motivation and energy. Second, our customers and business partners that value what we stand for and are inspired to support our mission to grow organic food.


I am super passionate about healthy, organic food and am so grateful and inspired that my career path is continuing in the natural foods industry. I am also passionate about “doing the right thing” and love that we are thoughtful in our decisions and always strive to do the right thing. Lastly, the BEST part of Hummingbird Wholesale is the PEOPLE!


My caring coworkers and how we take care of each other and even help each other get help that we might not have asked for.


I am passionate about working with our communities and about food - it gets me going in the morning knowing that I work here and knowing that I am contributing indirectly to nourishing our communities through conversations I have ever day with buyers. Giving access to good food matters. Creating awareness of where our food comes from matters. I feel like we do that here and I am happy to be a part of it.


Organic with Integrity. Our mission, our role in the organic industry, is what drew me into Hummingbird, yet our integrity, our focus on continuous improvement while embracing a growth mindset are the elements which captivated me into staying for over six years.


I am grateful for my coworkers and director! Collaborating with such amazing people to make this all work better is so fun and hard and interesting!


I am passionate about organic food and sustainability. These same values are what brought me to want to work at Hummingbird, as our hearts hum together brilliantly.


I love that HW works with regional business, small and large, to get good food to everyone.


Selling Organic Food that in turn supports farmers to support Organic farming practices and supports healthier Ecosystems for all life. Charlie and his visioning. Great coworkers!


I feel so grateful to connect my work, my vision for the world I want to help create, and my means of taking care of myself with Hummingbird as the way to accomplish that. I love to see our team excel, to receive the gratitude and care from our community of customers that care about healthy food and healthy planet and to meet the challenges that being a food business offers.


I am passionate about Hummingbird being organic, supporting local farmers, and giving back to the community.


Coordinating complex projects, organizing and solving problems with ease and grace.

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